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100 Kind Deeds with This Life Rocks!

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November 27, 2020 | 12:00 am - 11:59 pm



Donate your time!

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100 Kind Deeds is an annual event created by our friends at This Life Rocks and every year we help!

From This Life Rocks:

“It’s November and that means it’s time for This Life Rocks 4th annual 100 Kind Deeds Day!
Every year on the day after Thanksgiving, I ask my Instagram friends to work together to do 100 Kind Deeds all over the country and the world!
It started when my mom told me that a lot of people got upset during shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I was thinking of what we could do that was the OPPOSITE of shopping and so we decided to try to find 100 ways to be kind that day. Every year so many people pitch in from all over the place by doing kind deeds wherever they live In the world and sending me a picture or note about it. Will you please help?
Since this year could be a little different, I’m also collecting ideas for people who might need help or need some kindness in different ways. Maybe they need something dropped off or a virtual visit. Please leave me a note here if you have a good idea. You can also join our group chat that day and work as a team to help us! Please let me know if you can join!
This year’s 100 Kind Deeds day is on NOVEMBER 27!”
Will you commit to one or more kind deeds?

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