Sunshine Self-Care

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by Jeni Ness

Hello Gang! 

I want to talk with you about self-care. What first comes to mind when you think about self-care? Bubble Baths? Face Masks? Watching a movie?  While those are all good, and certainly have their place in self-care, that’s not what I want to talk with you about. I want to talk to you about some smaller, more subtle self-care practices you can add to your daily routine to make a positive impact on your life and how you feel. 

First, a little background- something to lay the foundation of why this important, why self-care matters. I didn’t always think self-care was important. I believed that being busy and going a million miles an hour was just the way of life. The busier I was, the more productive I felt, the more I was able to produce, the higher I climbed. I would routinely put in 80+ hours at my career job, then go work a side hustle or volunteer or help a friend. I slept maybe 3-4 hours a night. I thought that was just the way life was supposed to be: Everyone and Everything else before myself. But the truth is I was miserable. I was so unhappy with who I was, what I look like, my anxiety had me believing that no one actually liked me. I was so stressed out and on edge all the time, I was quick to anger and I lashed out. I kept everyone at arm’s length. It wasn’t how I wanted to live at all. I finally reached a breaking point and I knew something had to change. I realized I needed to put myself first and to start taking care of myself. It has made all the difference. 

Here are some of the things, that I’ve incorporated into my day and hopefully you can do. 

  1. Drink some water: My goal is to drink 128oz (yes, a gallon) of water a day. I find that when I’m more hydrated, I have more energy, I can focus better, and I’m less irritable. Your goal does not have to be a gallon, it can be small- just adding in an extra cup. 
  2. Focus on your breathing- take a few minutes, close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths, and notice the way it feels passing through your body. I find that this almost instantly relaxes me. 
  3. Move your body- stretch, dance to your favorite song, do a lap around your living room. Doing this instantly increases 
  4. Write down three to five things you are grateful for- they don’t have to be big grand things: is it sunny, do you love the smell of rain, your family, that you are alive. Even on the worst of days, there is always something to be grateful for. 
  5. Write down three things you accomplished for the day- again, these can be simple, little things- did the dishes, went to work, kept tiny humans/pet/plants alive, drank a cup of water- we accomplish so much more during the day than we give ourselves credit for.
  6. Put your hand on your heart- feel that- it’s beating- you have value and are here for a reason.

Taking care of yourself is so important because you are worth it. You are amazing and have unique gifts that the world so desperately needs. 


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