Choose JOY


by Jeni Ness

One thing I’ve heard a lot of over the past few years and especially in the past few weeks is that we need to be choosing joy. Life is crazy enough right now and so full of uncertainty, that having something else so ambiguous and unclear was driving me crazy. What does it mean to choose joy?

I certainly don’t have the answer to that for you, but I can tell you what it means to me. For a long time, I thought choosing joy was to put on a smile and pretend that everything is okay, even when everything is falling down around you. But, the more I thought about it, and the more I started learning about myself and stepping into who I really am, my idea of what choosing joy changed.

Choosing joy means letting go of the things I can’t control–which is most things and working on what I can control. Choosing joy means having compassion for others and having for myself. Choosing joy means forgiving others and forgiving myself and showing grace to everyone, myself included. Choose joy means doing things that make me feel happy and laugh. Choosing joy means realizing that life is full of uncertainty but that I can make of it what I will. Knowing that I have it in me to feel all the things, and then let them go.

Choosing joy means not worrying about what someone else thinks of me. Speaking my truth, even if it means disagreeing with people. Choosing joy means taking time for me, showing up for myself the way I show up for everyone else. And, realizing that saying “no” isn’t selfish.

Choosing joy means accepting and loving myself the way I am while also working on becoming the best, most true version of myself. Knowing I am responsible for my own happiness, and not anyone else’s happiness. It means letting go of perfection and waking up to see the beauty surrounding me. Choosing joy means letting go of my fear and resting in a place of love.

Choosing joy is a struggle. It’s hard to be so vulnerable, but it is worth it. Once you start choosing joy, it becomes easier. When it becomes easier, you can start spreading that joy and helping others choose joy. It really is a beautiful place to be.

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